WASHINGTON — A call was made by the Institute of Medicine (I.O.M.) on April 20 to force food processors to gradually cut the salt some say are “hidden inside their products,” and it will be considered by the Food and Drug Administration, the agency said....

Each day, Americans consume approximately 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt, more than double what they need for good health and high enough to increase risk of high blood pressure, strokes and other problems. Most of that sodium is inside common processed foods and restaurant meals, sources claim....

The I.O.M. is an independent agency chartered by Congress to advise the federal government and it is the most recent in a string of health groups to pressure the F.D.A. in recent years to reduce salt.

If the salt in processed and restaurant food were cut in half over 10 years, ultimately 150,000 lives a year could be saved, the American Medical Associ has said....

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